+ SPARQL 1.1: STRBEFORE and STRAFTER return simple empty string on no match.
+ Stop multiple SERVICE calls locking Fuseki up (JENA-248)
+ (internal) DatasetPrefixStorage : change removeFromPrefixMap(String, String, String) to removeFromPrefixMap(String, String)
+ Changes for BINDINGS (SPARQL 1.1) - align with SPARQL-WG
Now called VALUES : slight syntax changes.
VALUES can be inline data as part of a query pattern.
+ Comprehensive support for date/time/durations operations (JENA-235)
+ Property path syntax revised to align with current SPARQL
No {...} forms in SPARQL query engine (available in ARQ language)
+ Property path semantics revised to align with current SPARQL
*, + and ? are connectivity/non-counting
+ New property path evaluation engine framework.
+ Bug fix: DISTINCT might not be distinct (JENA-211)
+ QueryEngineHttp has configuration options (JENA-210)
+ Add function "StrUUID" which returns a UUID string (c.f. "UUID()" for a UUID as a URI of form <urn:uuid:....>

Also available as afn:struuid() and afn:uuid() for strict syntax.
+ Add UpdateExecutionFactory.createRemote(...) for remote execution of SPARQL Update (JENA-197)
+ Allow users to specify query parameters in SERVICE
Allow the context to include a set of parameters add to SERVICE requests
+ SPARQL 1.1: Complete scope tracking of variables (JENA-142)
+ SPARQL/Trutle alignment: Prefix names can contain ':' unescaped. No escape for ':'
+ Faster writing of XML and JSON results formats (JENA-178)
+ Support for SERVICE with additional parameters (JENA-195)